Los Angeles Rhinoplasty

Procedure Details


Los Angeles Rhinoplasty

Her top three concerns about her nose are number one the size , the deviated septum, and the bulbosity of the tip. She is of mixed French and Costa Rican heritage and desires too reduce the Costa Rican appearance of her nose but not remove it entirely. She does have breathing problems on the left in the morning. She takes no medications. She's had no surgery on her nose. She's had no previous injuries to her nose. 

PROCEDURE: Rhinoplasty (tip refinement, dorsal hump reduction (osteotomies), alar base wedge resection)

PRE OPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: Bulbous tip, dorsal hump (bony and cartilage), alar flaring


Ethan Baughman Plastic Surgery

*All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.